Laclede Co. R-1 School District
Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
(SRCSP) Revised: August 20, 2021
The health and safety of our students and staff will always be the highest priority. The Laclede Co. R-1 School District also understands the importance of providing in-person instruction to our students. The lack of internet services within our school boundaries has impacted the planning process. The district is striving to do what is best for kids, and we believe in-person instruction is necessary in our community.
The Laclede Co. R-1 administrative team and Board of Education (BOE) have developed a Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Service Plan (SRCSP). Guidance from the local health departments, Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education, Missouri School Boards Association, and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services has been considered throughout the planning process. Consensus from a very wide-range of studies suggest students are the least likely population to contract and have complications with the Corona Virus.
Laclede Co. R-1 has taken steps to prepare for the health, wellness, and safety for students and staff as we continue to mitigate the COVID-19 virus. This guide is a living document and will be updated with new information as it becomes available. Please see the information below for a set of general guidelines and expectations:
- Providing environments that are as safe as possible for students, staff and community;
- Providing equitable, guaranteed, and viable education.
- Universal and correct wearing of masks;
- Physical distancing (e.g., including use of cohorts/podding);
- Handwashing and respiratory etiquette;
- Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation;
- Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration with the State, local, territorial, or Tribal health departments;
- Diagnostic and screening testing;
- Efforts to provide vaccinations to educators, other staff, and students, if eligible; and appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to the health and safety policies.
Laclede County R-I School District will follow the federal guidelines for mandatory mask wearing on district school busses and other vehicles. As of August 9, 2021, all Missouri school districts are required to wear mask on school busses.
Decisions will continue to be made in coordination with local and state guidelines. In order for Laclede Co. R-1 employees, students and community to best understand access rules, the school district will use a level indicator: The district understands that we must provide a safe learning environment for all students and staff. A three-level plan has been developed to outline our re-opening procedures and precautions. The SRCSP will always consider what is in the best interest of all students. Team decisions will be made for students with Individualized Education Plans.
We strongly encourage all parents to help us keep everyone healthy by not sending your child if he or she exhibits the following symptoms:
- Fever/Chills/Nausea/Vomiting
- Cough/Shortness of breath/difficulty breathing
- Fatigue/muscle aches not exercise related
- New loss of taste or smell
- Congestion/runny nose
Distance learning can be discussed with building administrators by appointment. We understand some students may have underlying health conditions, or they may live with family members who are at high risk. You can more information regarding MOCAP at
Once again, the Laclede Co. R-1 School District cares about the health and safety of all our students, staff, and community members. We strongly believe in-person schooling is the best option for kids in most cases. We understand that the re-opening plan to this unique situation is not perfect, but we will strive to adapt as necessary to help ensure the safety of all our patrons.
Regularly Scheduled Review and Revision Cycle
The Laclede County R-I School District recognizes that no plan of this nature is ever final and that a
continuous review and revision cycle is necessary. The district will gather stakeholder and community
feedback bi-annually in the months of June and December for plan modifications and revisions.
Stakeholder feedback will be gathered via district-wide feedback surveys and committee meetings
with community input. The next review of this plan is scheduled for December 2021.
SRCSP Plan Development
Under the guidance of the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) The
Laclede County R-I School District developed both COVID-19 Re-entry and Alternative Methods of
Instruction (AMI) plans during the summer and fall of 2020 to define the District’s plans for a safe
return to school and for continuity of instruction in the event of COVID-19 related closures. The
SRCSP combines the contents of these two existing plans in an effort to communicate the district’s
complete response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to articulate specific actions being taken to
guarantee a continued safe learning environment and continuity of instruction in the event of
Availability of Plan in Other Languages
The Laclede County R-I School District will provide a copy of the SRSCP in other languages including
orally upon request. Request should be made to the District’s Central Office. The district address is
726 W. Jefferson Ave., Conway, MO 65632.
Safety Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
The Laclede County R-I School District recognizes that the safety guidance provided above may not
meet the unique needs of all students. The district will make necessary efforts to make
accommodations for students with disabilities.
Social/Emotional/Mental Health
The Laclede County R-I School District recognizes the mental and emotional toll the COVID-19
pandemic and surrounding circumstances have had on both staff and students. In addition to
extensive efforts taken by our counseling and health-related services staff to support students and
teachers, the District has partnered with Jordan Valley health and area licensed independent
counselors to provide additional layers of social, emotional, and mental health support on campus. To
the greatest extent possible services in these areas will be extended throughout any closures
experienced during the school year.
Overview: The Laclede Co. R-1 School District has taken steps to prepare for the health, wellness, and safety for all students and staff as we prepare for school. Information listed below outlines general guidelines and expectations for location/service. Decisions will be made in coordination with local health officials. To define health and safety measures, level indicators will be used. Each level will build on the previous level. | |
Level 1: No District Cases, No large spike in community cases | Seated School Instruction with Health Precautions● Masks allowed.● Visitors will be limited and based on pre-approval from the Administration ● Students will eat lunch in the cafeteria with distancing ● Buses will be appropriately sanitized after use with sanitation stations on each bus ● Personal water bottles are encouraged/limited drinking fountain availability ● Students will use hand sanitizer or hand washing upon arrival into classrooms ● Common areas will be restricted where feasible ● Students will participate in daily outdoor recess, weather permitting, with handwashing/sanitizer upon re-entry of buildings |
Level 2: Upon consideration of community and district COVID cases. | Seated Instruction with Additional Safety Procedures● Breakfast will take place in the classroom● Mask recommended. ● Lunch will be heldin the classroom or in the cafeteria where social distancing can occur. ● Personal water bottles are encouraged/no drinking fountain availability ● Movement throughout the building may be reduced ● Modified bus loading and unloading procedures/buses will be appropriately sanitized after use ● Students will participate in daily outdoor recess, weather permitting, with handwashing/sanitizer upon re-entry of buildings ● No use of facilities by outside groups befpre 4:00 pm. ● Entry beyond the building lobby will be restricted to staff and students. Other visitors and volunteers must receive pre-approval from the Administration and must wear a mask indoors. ● Possible event guidelines for participation/attendance in school events. |
Level 3: Significant community and district spread | Seated Instruction or AMI with Additional Restrictions● Lower capacity of bus transportation● Possible limited attendance and/or guidelines at sporting or other events ● Possible cancellation of large group activities, field trips, assemblies, athletics ● Masks mandatory for continue face to face learning ● If there is a closure of certain grade levels/buildings, teachers will be available at the school by appointment (via phone, virtual, possible face to face) ● Lessons may be delivered via packets or flash drives for students without internet. ● An alternative school calendar may be adopted to provide more time for sanitation of school buildings and/or to provide make-up hours for days lost. |
Level 4: Significant community and district spread | Seated Instruction or AMI with Additional Restrictions● Temporary closure of classroom/building for cleaning● Possible Alternative Method of Instruction ● Lower capacity of bus transportation ● Limited or no attendance at sporting or other events ● Possible cancellation of large group activities, field trips, assemblies, athletics ● Masks possibly recommended for certain grade levels to continue face to face learning ● Movement throughout the building may be reduced or limited ● Teachers will be available during school hours via email. ● Lessons may be delivered via packets or flash drives for students without internet. ● An alternative school calendar may be adopted to provide more time for sanitation of school buildings and/or to provide make-up hours for days lost. |
Health Services & PPE | Level 1: Seated School Instruction with Health Precautions● School Nurses will provide health and safety training/materials to faculty and staff.● If you have medications for your child, please schedule a time with the school nurse to drop it off. Level 2: Seated Instruction with Additional Safety Procedures● Evaluation of Symptoms and Safety Protocol Flowchart will be provided to all staff members● Encourage staff self-screening every day ● Staff working with medically fragile students may be required to wear a mask Level 3 & 4: Seated Instruction or AMI with Additional Restrictions● Nurses/counselors are available via email and/or by phone during school hours for support and guidance |
Arrival/Dismissal | Level 1: Seated School Instruction with Health Precautions● Students will go directly to classrooms for breakfast● Students will use wash-in, wash-out procedures upon arrival to school Level 2 & 3: Seated Instruction with Additional Safety Procedures● Student drop off and pick up will be through car line only and NOT BEFORE 7:45● Common areas will be restricted where achievable |
Transportation | *The district will follow federal mandates with masking on district vehicles.
Level 1: Seated School Instruction with Health Precautions● Buses will run at normal capacity with hand sanitization stations on each bus● Masks allowed Level 2: Seated Instruction with Additional Safety Procedures● Students will be assigned seats on the bus and encouraged to wear a mask.● Specific loading and unloading procedures will be implemented Level 3: Seated Instruction or AMI with Additional Restrictions● It is recommended that parents provide their own transportation if possible● Mask Wearing will be mandatory. ● Transportation may be altered as needed |
Visitors | Level 1: Seated School Instruction with Health Precautions● Visitors will be permitted by appointment onlyLevel 2: Seated Instruction with Additional Safety Procedures● All visitors will be subject to temperature testing● Nonessential visitors will not be permitted into the buildings during school hours ● No lunch guests or volunteers in the buildings Level 3: Seated Instruction or AMI with Additional Restrictions● No visitors without with prior approval will be allowed on campus |
Classroom & Playground | Level 1: Seated School Instruction with Health Precautions● Students will be observed for illness prior to starting class and referred to nurse if necessary● Appropriate measures will be taken for cleaning and sanitizing ● Time will be built into the day for frequent handwashing, especially after playground use Level 2: Seated Instruction with Additional Safety Procedures● Physical distancing strategies will be implemented when feasible with students and staff members● Students will be taught appropriate hygiene/COVID practices ● Personal water bottles will be encouraged and drinking fountains will be closed ● Assigned seating in all classrooms Level 3: Seated Instruction or AMI with Additional Restrictions● Additional safeguards will be put in place as necessary● AMI may be deemed best practice |
Cafeteria | Level 1 & 2: Seated School Instruction with Health Precautions● Breakfast will be eaten in the classroom● Lunch will be eaten in the cafeteria with precautions in place such as seating charts and social distancing Level 3: Seated Instruction or AMI with Additional Restrictions● Breakfast and lunch will be eaten in the classroom or in a location that allows appropriate social distancing. |
Transitions | Level 1: Seated School Instruction with Health Precautions● Passing periods will be based on the regular bell scheduleLevel 2: Seated Instruction with Additional Safety Procedures● Passing periods will be based on the regular bell schedule with student monitoring.● Movement throughout the building will be limited or reduced when possible Level 3: Seated Instruction or AMI with Additional Restrictions● Masks will be mandatory during transitions.● Bell schedule may be altered to allow for improved social distancing |
COVID response | If Suspected Case at School:● Student should be taken to the building designated safe-spot and provided a mask to isolate while parent/guardian is notified● Identify student exposure through contact tracing with other students and staff ● Contact Health Department and communicate with the public based on the Health Department’s recommendation ● Disinfect all targeted contact areas using proven practices ● Consult with Health Department prior to re-entry |
The Laclede Co. R-1 School District has made testing available to any employee that wishes to utilize this service. Employees are also made aware of local vaccinations conducted by the local health organizations.
Review and RevisionThe Laclede Co. R-1 School District will review and revise, if necessary, the SRCSP every six months. The district will consider input from students, families, administrators (including special education administration), and the Board of Education.
*The SRCSP may be amended in response to health and safety updates.
Guidance and Resources:
Laclede County Health Department
Webster County Health Department
Dallas County Health Department
Wright County Health Department
MO Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Missouri School Boards Association
MUSIC Re-opening School Process
CDC School Guidance Document
Mitigation & Prevention Strategies Summary
Mitigation Strategy | District Plan |
Masking | Masks allowed |
Physical distancing and cohorting | Social distancing when possible Mandatory seating charts Grades PreK-6 will remain in cohorts as much as possible. |
Handwashing and respiratory etiquette | Students will be frequently reminded to wash hands Proper handwashing taught and reinforced Sanitizer and tissue provided |
Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including improving ventilation | Increase cleaning for high-touch surfaces. Upgrades to HVAC as funds and equipment become available |
Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration with the State, local, territorial, or Tribal health departments | Contact tracing by the local public health authority (LPHA) with assistance from LEA. Quarantine and isolation orders from the LPHA. |
Diagnostic and screening testing | Testing provided for staff members. Students and staff with concerning symptoms will be assessed by the nurse and sent home if necessary. |
Efforts to provide vaccinations to educators, other staff, and students, if eligible | District communicates opportunities available in the community to become vaccinated if desired. |
Appropriate accommodations for children with disabilities with respect to the health and safety policies | Accommodations as necessary or as mandated by Individual Education Plan |